Sunday, May 24, 2009



From Lavezares, I proceeded to Looc Port, Allen. There is a big boat traveling from Capul to Allen and vice-versa. The schedule of the boat trip from Allen to Capul is 12NN. The fare is PhP60/head, approximately an hour ride. On occasion, there are boats stationed at the Dapdap port and at the town of Victoria (south of Allen) that are bound for Capul. You may also hire your own personal boat ride to Capul from those places.

The Looc Port of Allen where the M/B Cyrus-Ryan docks

M/B Cyrus-Ryan at the Capul beach

The Bascon Ancestral House

Inside the Bascon House

Baranggays 1 and 2 of Capul

There is only one place that can accommodate you for your stay in the island. Look and ask for the Bascon Ancestral House located at Baranggay 1. You will find Ate Tere taking care of the place. She will charge you PhP100/head/day for the accommodation. This includes free use of the kitchen, toilet and bath.

Water: I did not see any problem with the water supply

Electricity: 4PM to 12MN

Food: There was no carinderia/dining place around but there are a lot of sari-sari stores and a bakery near the church. You may buy canned goods and rice and cook it yourself at the Bascon House.

Aling Ely store – Aling Ely was easy to persuade to cook something for the night. She charged PhP20-25/viand and probably PhP10/cup of rice.

The M/B Cyrus-Ryan at Capul goes back to Allen at 7am (PhP60/head, 1-hour trip). There is also another boat that leaves the island at 9AM but it usually goes around the farther baranggays and takes off at Baranggay Oson (approximately 4 kilometers away from the town proper). The second boat only goes to the town proper on very selected occasions. The second boat departs from the mainland (at Dapdap Port, Allen and/or at Victoria) at 2PM.

A little history

Capul is the known to be the gateway of Spanish Galleons that sailed the Pacific Ocean. Their route was Acapulco-Capul-Manila and vice-versa. Probably the name of the island was lifted from the point of origin of the shipping vessels that came from the South America.

Spanish influence is very high manifested by the name, the structures, the church and the love of the game of cockfighting.

What to see?

Town Proper

The Catholic Church located at the heart of the town

The courtyard at the right side of the church building

Old wooden door, old and new construction materials composing the left side of the church

North of Capul

The road that leads to the Capul Lighthouse at Baranggay San Luis (9kms away from town proper)

Motorbike fare: PhP35/head

Capul Lighthouse at Baranggay San Luis (9kms away from town proper)

Capul Lighthouse Location (Latitude 12o 28’ 52” N Longitude 124o 08’ 29” E)

Mount Mayon and the Bicol Region from afar

View of the beach, people picking mussels

South of Capul

Padre Lucero beach at Baranggay Oson (4.5kms away from the town proper)

Abak beach at Baranggay Oson (4.5kms away from the town proper)

A view of the Timon-timon Rock formation

Timon-Timon Rock formation – 1-1.5km away from Padre Lucero Beach

Bito Cave – I was not able to go there but it is another adventure to do spelunking, seeing the bats and snakes living inside.alive.

Alternative route: Capul to Dalapiri by boat then Dalapiri to San Antonio by habal-habal then San Antonio to Allen by boat.

I went back to Allen (Looc port) from Capul. The boat left the island at 7AM and I arrived at the mainland around 8AM. You can have ticket reservations at the different bus line offices located within the port. There are plenty of food and pasalubong stores within the vicinity. You can also check your email there at the local internet café.

The Side Trip

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